OK - here we go again :)
I telephoned the US Embassy visa operator to try to sort out a visa appointment as Maria Damour and the visa section at the US Embassy in London have not responded to requests for me to get a visa interview appointment (the first step in getting a visa).
At £1.20 a minute (that's about $2.50 a minute for US readers) I was on the telephone for about 20 minutes trying to sort out an appointment - the visa operator finally came back with- you need to email the US Embassy with this so here it is (for a 3rd time):
From: karlhindle@aol.com
Show/Hide all the To recipientsTo: londonconsular@state.gov
Show/Hide all the CC recipientsCC: Jean.Carrero@mail.house.gov, graeme.wise@fco.gov.uk, dcarter@reunite.demon.co.uk, kruckman@state@gov, dferguson@ormondlawfirm.com, lucy.benyon@express.co.uk
Subject: ciu760 FAO: Maria Damour - Hindle re: visa appointment
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 4.41PM
Immigration_Report.2.jpg (218K)greigfax.0.jpg (179K)
Dear Ms Damour:
I have spoken with the US Embassy visa appointment line and have been advised to contact you again.
This is the third such email I have sent to the US Embassy in accordance with instructions of the visa operator - I have received no replies from the first two.
I have been advised that I cannot proceed with obtaining a visa appointment without emailing you in respect of the following:
1. I am applying to British police for a Subject Access Statement as instructed by the operator:
2. I was refused a visa in September 2006 by the US Embassy London:
A. for court ordered access to minor child on the grounds I have harassed the US citizen mother of my minor child in the US (despite the findings of the US court that I have not done so and court orders repeatedly provided to you and the US Embassy); and
B. for attendance and prosecution of court proceedings in Volusia County Florida in connection with minor child on the grounds I am attempting to emigrate to the United States.
The visa operator advises me that the US Embassy needs to provide me with the visa refusal codes before they can offer an appointment date; and
3. That given my arrest by US Immigration in Florida on 28th May 2004 I must provide a sworn statement from an entity you must specify in the United States in a form you will specify as to the circumstances of that arrest. I have appended a copy of the US immigration arrest report of the arresting officer Wayne Baehre and a fax to US Immigration by Barbara Greig of the State Department, which demonstrates my arrest was predicated on information provided by Barbara J Greig, Office of Childrens Issues, Department of State, Washington DC.
I understand you require the following:
Name: Karl Ernest Hindle
Nationality: British
Passport Number: 305478269
Email address : Karlhindle@ol.com
Karl Hindle
5 Berwick Cottages
Terling Hall Road
Hatfield Peverel
Essex CM3 2EY