Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Emily: "I went to dinner with my Daddy!"

After the weekend in Washington DC and the rally for Sean and David Goldman it has been back to earth with a bump.

Relaxing Sunday evening, the telephone rang and Emily's beautifully, indignant voice - "It's me!"

We spoke and it was fantastic listening to her tell me about her day and going to church with her "grandma" and I thought immediately, "Your grandma lives in Wisconsin?" and then an icy hand reached up through my balls to my heart as Emily told me:

"I went to church dinner with my Daddy!"

I spoke with Sheila afterwards and asked her what was going on with Emily calling someone else Daddy - all I got was, "I have every right to have a boyfriend." as if that answered or justified doing this with Emily.

The boyfriend may be a nice guy (I hope he is) but Emily Rose has a father and it isn't him - 

I am Emily's DADDY!!!


Beth said...

Oh, Karl, that's heartbreaking.

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Anonymous said...

from what we heard its a toss up between you and 2 others who emily,s daddy is so are you 100 per cent sure you are?have you had DNA testing?

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

face it your not emily.s daddy

Anonymous said...

you still at the editing walter? anyone only has to look at ????? to see your at it

Anonymous said...

your not interested in emily and lot folks know it too its only a ruse to get into US we know when your due back in UK do your new employers know full facts? easier to declare bankruptcy with creditors after you pal

Anonymous said...

your pathetic sad and keep editing silly saddo

Anonymous said...

keep posting everyone is having a good laugh and your about to be sued anything with certain names or pertaining to be others all copied are with police and e mail you hacked into well done and thanks . good Luck

Anonymous said...

lots of love and hugs poor dear karl so so awful poor poor you

Anonymous said...

It is obvious to anyone who knows Angela Jackson that the vile and unwarrented entries here are indicative of her her irrational behavior and her uncontrolled anger. Angela Jackson does not understand the social mores that guide the actions of normal people. May I suggest Karl, that you leave the comments as testiment to her instability.

Anonymous said...

last comment regarding Angela Jackson makes us laugh, as writer of comment requires a grammar lesson and their interpretation of english grammar is atrocious. Maybe a spelling lesson is in order or could it be some one with dyselxia. Then there would be an excuse for such bad grammar. Maybe Karl Hindle wishes it to look like a certain person. Editing all his own posts.Angela Jackson is more rational than Karl Hindle has proven to be. We have read reports also and Karl has made mistake.

Anonymous said...

Why do you delet all the comments that arent nice?