Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm Asking for Your Help With Emily in Florida

Hi Guys,

I'm trying to get the court in Florida to give hearing time on motions regarding Emily who was abducted from the UK in 2003 by her mom. I filed motions with the court back in February of this year and the FL judge is sitting on his hands.

Meanwhile almost a year has elapsed since the appeals' court ruled on the issues and Emily and I have not seen each other in two and a half years - the last time being the only time in over 6 years.

I am asking you to write to the Chief Judge in Volusia County, Fl - be polite, but be frank about what you think of this and many of you know what has been going on for the last 9 years. His address is:

Chief Judge Parsons

Volusia County Courthouse

101 N. Alabama Ave.,

DeLand FL 32724

Cite the case number as well: 2003 - 12692 - FMDL

The presiding judge (who is sitting on his hands) is Judge Matthew Foxman.

I would like you to state your own opinion as to what has been happening with Emily down in Florida and I would like you to do this by writing to Chief Judge Parsons (snail mail not email) and sending me a copy too. My address is:

Karl Hindle
8654 Scottingham Drive

I will be filing all the letters together as a motion with Judge Foxman so they get into the court record.

To broadly summarize:

  • Emily was abducted from the UK by her mother in 2003 with the assistance of the US Department of State and US Embassy London (police report filed by mother in Wisconsin post-abduction is attached as "WI Report";
  • Emily has been neglected by both her mom and the FL court in respect of her blindness in her right eye - the mom denied anything was wrong with her sight and the court refused to look at any evidence, including that of 9 British and American doctors who recommended medical treatment - they allowed Emily to go blind (British hospital letter is here ; US doctor's letter is here);
  • In 2004 while litigating to protect Emily, I was arrested on allegations of abuse by the mother and deported after 5 weeks incarceration in Bradenton Immigration detention Center, Tampa - this was on the orders of State Department official, Barbara Greig of OCI based on a legion of false complaints of abuse, domestic violence and sexual abuse of my children in England - all found to be false by courts on both sides of the Atlantic - (US Immigration arrest report is here - note 2nd paragraph in narrative at bottom of page)
  • In 2005 I managed to get a visa to return to the US to continue litigation - Emily was then abducted by her mom again, this time out of Florida and was classified as Missing and Endangered (by this time she was also becoming completely blinded in her affected eye) - (Missing and Endangered poster is here)
  • At this time I was also under a permanent ban from coming to the US to look for Emily or to continue litigation - the US Department of State had barred me from travel because I was an abuser based on the mother's claims - I sued the US Department of State and got a visa in 2006 when Emily had been located in Kansas & Missouri;
  • January 2006 - depositions taken of 2 witnesses in KS who testified to the involvement of Barbara Greig of OCI, US Department of State's involvement in hiding and concealing Emily in the US - refer to depositions of Terri Jacobsen & Robert Ozier below and the attached deposition extracts for both) [NOTE: I have been unable to upload the depositions extracts - email me at if you want them]
  • After being reunited with Emily in January 2006, 2 weeks later her mother accused me raping Emily (then aged 3) in a bathroom at MacDonalds - I went into hiding in FL as I was threatened several times, including death threats - the police and authorities investigated fully and found no sexual abuse or any form of abuse had occurred and the mother was filing false complaints and coaching Emily in the making of allegations - the mother's handwritten police complaint is here -
  • May 2006 - hearing for medical treatment for Emily and contempt for filing sex abuse complaint - Judge Doyle refuses to allow us to submit the mother's handwritten complaint of sexual abuse of Emily into evidence - mother's attorney denies any report being made by her client (despite the report being in her possession). Most disturbingly, Judge Doyle refuses to follow the recommendations of an Independent Medical Examiner, Dr Cordero regarding the need to treat Emily's eye - I explain Emily is going blind in her eye, Doyle has been thrown out of court and continues to ignore the matter;
  • No more contact with Emily and continued delays with getting the court to rule - in all of this time, the Florida court has not ruled on any of the issues (save for dismissing claims of domestic violence) - we are now at May 2008 - 5 years after Emily's initial abduction and Emily is by now permanently blinded in her right eye;
  • May 2008 - final trial - I have been denied visas again to come to the US (on the action of Barbara Greig et al at OCI because I am an "abuser) - by now I have been through 6 prosecutions/investigations for abuse of one form or another and won all of them or had a finding of false allegations against the mother (but no action from the FL court to control her conduct) - Judge Doyle hears the case and dismisses jurisdictional argument simply:

"In this County we are provincials. We don't do the Hague Convention."

  • October 2008 - Judge Doyle rules that on the mother's recanting of all of her allegations and undertaking not to interfere in visitation in future, she gets custody of Emily and I get visitation plus $29,000 in back child support to be paid by me for my daughter's abduction;
  • November 2008 - I appeal and try to see Emily with my visitation order - I fail to see her for Thanksgiving, Christmas, in January and again in February 2009 until I file for contempt, the mother runs back to the police complaining of harassment and stalking;
  • March 2009 Spring Break - I finally get to see Emily after more than 3 years - it is wonderful but Patsy and I are both threatened by mom's boyfriend (now husband) a Florida policeman while 2 other police officers looked on;
  • September 2009 - I am in the UK and find I am being prosecuted for stalking the mom and her husband in Panama City FL - when I was not in the state and not in the country - a further warrant for my arrest is issued and I cannot return to the US until it is dealt with (it was all dismissed with prejudice in January 2010) - the FL court continues to do nothing and there is no contact with Emily, not least because I am scared stiff something will happen to Patsy and I - the complaint and court record is here - filed by mom's husband, a FL policeman who also has a record for amongst other things, domestic violence and stealing cars;
  • November 2010 - Appellate process ends - I fail to get heard at the US Supreme Court - the lower appellate courts throw out the child support order but refuse to look at the medical neglect of little Emily which has left here to go blind - they also retain Emily in Florida on the basis that as no other state in the US has jurisdiction, Florida can keep jurisdiction (ignoring any return back to her home state of England).
  • March 2011 - I file for change in residency of Emily based on continued violations of final court order and other matters - to date the court in Florida ignores me.

Emily was abducted from the UK to the US - that much is crystal clear - and despite spending almost half a million dollars on litigating, Emily has seen less of her father than the 5 weeks I spent in a stinking jail for bad behavior and conduct of the mother and Barbara Greig at OCI (subsequently "disciplined" for her behavior and then promoted).

Emily has gone BLIND in an eye.

Emily was put up for sale to a pedophile and his family.

Emily has seen her Daddy once in just over 6 years.

According to the Floridian judge in Emily's case, "In this County we are provincials. We don't do the Hague Convention!" - I think if you're a left-behind parent relying on the Hague Convention to return your child to America you ought to have something to say about THAT!

The Floridian courts believe it is in her best interests to remain with the parent who has put her through all of this and has not complied with any orders of any court in the US or UK.

I don't believe the FL court and authorities have been doing their job and are hiding behind technicalities and their offices while a child, my little girl Emily has been put through this monstrous mess.

I pay child support - but my checks are returned by the FL State Disbursement Unit - I have started sending a blank check each month to Judge Foxman, the last one was returned last week.

I am begging you to write a brief letter to Chief Judge Parsons to tell him what you think of all of this and to send me a copy as well so I can get it all on the record.

Many thanks for your help - sincerely guys, many of you have known me for years and what has been going on but I am pretty much finished as far as my faith in fairness and justice in the Floridian courts - I need your help on this and I truly am grateful for your support.




Deposition of Terri Jacobsen of Kansas - attached

p18 line 10 et seq
p20 line 15 et seq: Greig advisesd TJ no laws were beig broken with SKF staying in KS
p21 line 12 et seq
p23 line 1 - p25 line 17 : communications with Barbara Greig at State
p37 line 16 - p35 line 9 : Greig advised TJ nothing wrong with the situation, SKF is being honest with her allegations and I am not to be trusted
p41 line 21 - p42 line 10 et seq

Deposition of Robert Ozier of Kansas - attached

p.9 line 10 - p.10 (note line 11) - assistance of BG to keep KH out of the US
p16 line 24 - p17 line 17 - assistance from BG for change of identity for SKF and Emily
p25 line 5 - p26 line 5 - State Department generally
p26 line 17 - line 25 - Lees Summit MO police station visit with Emily
p29 line 3 - line 11
p33 line 18 - line 5 page 34 State Department sending correspondence to SKF while in KS (NB Ozier testifies it could be State Dept or SKF's lawyers sending correspondence - SKF did not have a lawyer at this time)

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