Monday, March 12, 2007

US Department of State - Partial Release of US Passport Application for Emily Rose

US Department of State continues to withhold paperwork

I recently received page 3 of a US Passport application made for Emily Rose in January 2003 - the US passport that was issued to Emily Rose in order to remove her from the UK to the US.

The US Department of State continues to withhold the rest of the paperwork that was requested, including the supporting forms for the issuance of the passport and internal communications regarding the role of various State Department officials in removing and hiding Emily Rose in the US.

What does this mean ?

One of the pieces of paper provided purports to be my consent to the issuance of the passport - except the law required my signed notarized consent and guess what - it isn't my signature and it isn't notarized, so where did it come from ?

Interestingly enough, the passport application page is dated January 2003 but the "consent" form is dated April 2002 - does that seem strange to you because it sure does to me.

I'm waiting on the outcome of a show cause motion for Maria Damour to show cause for her contempt of the federal proceedings in Orlando, Florida - the explanation from the US Attorney General is that the defendants i.e. various State Department officials do not recognise the jurisdiction of the federal court in Orlando, Florida.....hmmmmm.

Watch this space.

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