Sunday, September 28, 2008

Guest Authors

I've been blogging with this for a few years now and I have felt I am becoming stale.  It's not that I have nothing to say, just that there is nothing I think worth saying that is new at the moment.

Not wishing to stop this blog appealing to the readership and following it has attracted, I thought it would be a good idea to let others have their say too so with that in mind, I have invited several other mums and dads to write their own stories and those of their kids, some of whom are still missing and some have been found.

I'm throwing the "Emily Rose Hindle" blog open; at the end of the day this has never been my story, it has been hers and it's time other kids had their stories heard too.

Keep an eye out for the first postings and welcome Sara Suliman, Scott MacFarlane and Josef Cannon.

If you are a parent or child involved in international child abduction - please contact me if you are interested in using this blog in making your voice heard.

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