Sunday, January 17, 2010

1,000 Mile Stalking Charges Dismised with PREJUDICE

Last year I was charged with stalking Paul Swindell, Emily's new step-father by Panama City P.D. in Bay County, Florida - despite residing one thousand miles away in Richmond, Virginia and now here in the UK.

Paul Swindell is a man with a long history of violent offences and arrests including for domestic violence (how ironic), assault & battery and grand theft, and he was the man who ""<">threatened my fiance and I when we finally got to see Emily last year (for the only time in four years).

True to Floridian form, Swindell has found gainful employment in law enforcement as a corrections officer working for the Bay County Juvenile Detention Center, itself fraught with issues of mistreatment and wrongful deaths of juvenile inmates.

I couldn't make this up but when people hear where this is happening, the standard reaction is, "That's Florida!"

The Banana Republic of the USA has finally decided that there is no evidence except Swindell's say-so that he was "continuously followed" by me - the case has therefore been DISMISSED with PREJUDICE ...

or in other words,

Paul Swindell
You're a liar!

This is the 6th time I have been the subject of a major investigation by US and British law enforcement on the allegations of these two individuals -all ending with the same result - how much money has this cost the US taxpayer?

Hundreds of thousands of dollars?

What are the odds Swindell will be disciplined or punished?

Far less than the odds of me being being accused of some nonsense as soon as they can hatch another effort to try to keep me away from the court and Emily Rose.


Becky said...

Karl, while I am happy to hear the case was dismissed, it is yet another absurd waste of time and money in you trying to get your daughter home. Does the fact that the charges are dismissed at least help you advance your case in US courts? I know you've had endless delays, but does this dismissal at least move your case up on the list to be heard now??

Emily's Dad said...

In a word, "No."

I contacted the appeal court to see what is happening and the news there is we are still waiting for a date.

In the interim, Emily has been taken out of the school she was attending in Panama City, FL. I don't what is happening at the moment and the mother's attorney refused to confirm where Emily is going to school or whether they are at the same address they gave the court - apparently she cannot give out "client confidential information".